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A Fresh Approach to Eating

Best Tomatoes for Sandwiches

Try these 3 best tomato sandwiches, which you will love with summer tomatoes. Then, get my list of the best tomatoes to use for them.

I grew up in the Midwest but have lived in North Carolina for over twenty years. This has given me time to become well acquainted with the summer tomato sandwich, which consists of a slice or two of a locally grown tomato, white bread, and mayonnaise. I have a confession; I have never acquired a taste for one of these sandwiches.

The fact that I did not develop a craving for them may be because I don’t have sweet memories of a parent or grandparent lovingly making me one and eating it together. However, in my defense, I do love a fresh-grown tomato on a summer sandwich; it’s just that I like my sandwich paired a little differently. So, whether, you crave the traditional, beloved tomato sandwich and want more ways to eat those summer tomatoes or if you want a different twist on one,

I hope that you will grow to love some of my adaptations of an old Southern favorite! These sandwiches are flavorful, higher in protein, and have a boost of other good things. With a few little changes, you can easily make them vegan, gluten-free, or low fodmap.

Here is my 3 Best Tomato Sandwiches Line Up:

  1. Oven Fried Tomato Sandwich with Pecan and Panko Crust
  2. Open Faced Tomato, Grilled Eggplant, Fresh Mozzarella and Pesto Sandwich
  3. Grilled Cheese with Tomato, Pesto, and Avocado

Before I share these recipes, let’s talk a little about the health benefits of tomatoes. Let’s start out with this question:

Are cherry tomatoes good for you?

Yes, not only do tomatoes taste delicious, but they are also so good for you! Cherry tomatoes are just tiny versions of the larger ones.

Health Benefits of Cherry Tomatoes (and Other Varieties)

Here are just a few benefits of eating tomatoes:

  1. They are rich in vitamin C
  2. They are high in fiber
  3. They are rich in the phytonutrient lycopene, which has many benefits and is what gives tomatoes their beautiful red color!

    Tomatoes contain other important phytochemicals and antioxidants, including lycopene. Each tomato’s color varies slightly.
  4. The purple pigment anthocyanin benefits heart health, especially blood pressure, and lowers cancer risk.
  5. The yellow and orange pigments alpha-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin protect our vision, prevent cancer, regulate blood sugar, and have anti-inflammatory effects.
  6. The green pigment lutein and zeaxanthin which are beneficial to eye health.
  7. Research is being done to learn more about tomatine, which is found in green tomatoes, its role as an antifungal, and its anticancer properties.

Here are some additional benefits of tomato nutrition and an interesting article on the positive healing benefits of colors in the diet including tomatoes.

Questions some of my clients have include:

Are tomatoes bad for autoimmune disease?

Are tomatoes bad for arthritis?

I will share some of the latest research on this below:

Let’s Talk About Nightshades and Autoimmune Disease

In recent years, there has been a lot of information on the internet about the negative effects of nightshades. This has led to many people restricting foods that they enjoy while they are missing out on the health benefits of these foods. Here is some of the research out there to help you make an informed decision on nightshades in your diet.

  1. This article about nightshades from Houston Methodist Hospital helps answer the question “Are alkaloids bad for you?
    High doses can be an issue, but most people do not eat at levels near these.
  2. Some people may be sensitive to nightshades. The best way to determine if you are affected is to work with a registered dietitian who can help you determine this with an elimination diet. The arthritis foundation also offers some good suggestions on this topic.

3 Best Tomato Sandwiches Recipes

There are so many reasons to eat tomatoes, including health reasons, but let’s face it: We all know the real reason we love these jewels of summer: they melt in our mouths. I hope you enjoy these 3 tomato sandwich recipe ideas!

Crunchy Green Tomatoes without Frying

Oven Fried Tomato Sandwich with Pecan and Panko Crust

Some people grow more tomatoes than they can eat, so they have a few green tomatoes to spare. I never have too many tomatoes in my garden because I can eat them for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. If you are like me and have to go to the local tailgate market to get your green tomatoes, that will work also!

Makes 2 servings

1-2 large green tomatoes

1/3 cup crushed pecans

1/3 cup crushed panko crumbs

1/2 teaspoon garlic powder

Pinch cayenne

Salt and pepper to taste

1 egg (for the vegan version substitute 1-2 tablespoons ground flax seeds)

1/2 cup milk (can also substitute plant milk)

1 tablespoon olive oil

Tempeh Bacon (optional) try my recipe at the end of the directions)

Red pepper pesto (see recipe after the tempeh bacon recipe)

2 slices of pita bread cut in two and split open

Soft goat cheese to spread if desired


Fix the tempeh bacon ahead of time using the directions below. Heat the oven to 425 degrees. In a small bowl, break and beat an egg, then add milk to make an egg wash. On a plate, mix crushed panko and pecan crumbs, garlic powder, cayenne, salt, and pepper.

Slice green tomatoes about half an inch thick. Brush olive oil on a non-stick cookie sheet. Take slices of tomato and dip them in egg wash and then roll in panko crumb mixture. Place tomatoes on cookie sheet drizzle with a tiny bit of olive oil on top of them. Bake for about 15-20 minutes until the tomatoes get slightly soft to the touch and the topping gets a little brown.

While the tomatoes are cooking, make the red bell pepper pesto. Remove the tomatoes from the oven and allow them to cool for a few minutes. Add a small amount of goat cheese to the pita. Carefully place the breaded tomatoes and tempeh bacon in there. Drizzle the red pepper pesto on top for a little color and flavor.

Red Pepper Pesto

2  cups roasted red peppers

1-2 cloves of garlic

1/2 cup basil

Salt and pepper to taste

1 tablespoon olive oil

(optional-2 tablespoons of nuts and 2 tablespoons Parmesan cheese)

Blend all of the ingredients together in a food processor until smooth.

Open faced eggplant sandwich topped with tomato, fresh mozzarella is topped with some basil!
Serve this open-faced sandwich for your next lunch using local ingredients!

Open Faced Tomato, Grilled Eggplant, Fresh Mozzarella and Pesto Sandwich

To make this sandwich vegan, substitute grilled tofu for the mozzarella cheese and skip cheese in the pesto.

Grilled cheese lunch recipe
A grilled cheese with some tomato soup is pure comfort!

Grilled Cheese with Tomato, Pesto, and Avocado

To make this sandwich vegan use a vegan cheese that melts or substitute grilled tofu or tempeh for the cheese. Grilled Cheese with Tomato, Pesto, and Avocado

Best Tomatoes for Sandwiches

Some tomatoes are used more to make tomato paste or juice. These are not the ones to use for a tomato sandwich. A beefsteak tomato has fewer seeds and holds up better in a sandwich than the others. Some beefsteaks to use include Cherokee Purple, German Johnson, Brandywine, Big Beef, and Mortgage Lifter. I prefer the heirloom varieties because of their delicious flavor.

Make These 3 Best Tomato Sandwiches

I hope that you grow to love these 3 tomato sandwich recipes that I created and that they give you a few more great reasons to eat tomatoes. Thank you for coming by and reading my blog, and I hope you stop by again soon. I will be transitioning in the next few weeks into more fall recipes and what’s in season during that time!

As a registered dietitian Nutritionist in Asheville, I love helping folks find recipes that they love to help them eat healthy! I would love for you to check out the rest of my recipes on the Vine Ripe Nutrition blog and please share if you are inspired to give some a try! You can find some of the ways that I can help here!

When tomato season is over, it will be fall and winter squash season, check out some of these winter squash recipe ideas!

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