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A Fresh Approach to Eating

Work With Me

Nutrition for Women in Midlife


Women’s Health Nutrition

Our second season of life can be our best with the foods we eat, the ways we move, the hours we sleep and the time we relax and have fun! Here are some of the ways that I can help:

  • Provide you with information on the best foods for women’s health as we age!
  • Work with you on meal planning and share healthy recipes ideas that you will love!
  • Provide you some of the latest on hormone balance and menopause nutrition.
  • Teach you how to love your changing body and create a kinder gentler relationship with food.
  • Help you learn ways to get more protein as you get older and its importance in feeling more energy. And we can have a discussion about the best ways to build muscle to help boost metabolism and strengthen bones.
  • Limit challenges to stay motivated to exercise. And stress less.
  • Encourage you to keep going when the going gets tough!

Check out Online Nutrition Classes for Women.



Registered Dietitian Asheville on the porch

Expert in Women’s Nutrition & Health


As women reach middle age, we often become more concerned with hormone balance, a decreased metabolism and aging skin besides other health issues like keeping our bones healthy. In addition, many of us are adjusting to our new body composition and how it feels to be older. This may affect how we feel about our body and our relationship with food. Schedule an appointment to learn how to learn how to balance hormones with a healthy diet, boost your mood and feel about yourself, increase energy levels and help reduce signs of aging through food!

In addition to women’s health, I also help women eat more plant-based eating and achieve optimal gut health.


Plant-Based Eating Including Vegetarian, Vegan, Pescatarian and Flexitarian

No matter which way of plant-based way of eating you choose, research shows that it can help you reap numerous benefits! Some of these include lower rates of heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, autoimmune conditions and other health conditions where inflammation is the common cause. Together we can work on plant-based menu planning, recipes, and cooking techniques. We will also discuss key nutrients to pay attention to getting when eating a plant-based diet.


Improved Gut Health

Find out more about a Fresh Approach to Fresh Approach to Digestive Health. This three-visit program helps clients feel better and get back to living life at its fullest! However, with GI health, one size does not fit all. I use a variety of approaches to personalize your solutions. One of those strategies may include the low fodmap diet.


Low Fodmap Eating Plans

One way that I often help people find their food intolerances is through an elimination diet. As an IBS expert and past sufferer, I often teach how to work through the 3 steps of the low fodmap elimination diet. This diet has been effective in reducing symptoms in over 75% of people according to research at  Monash University.

What is a FODMAP?

You might be wondering, what is a low FODMAP diet? FODMAP stands for fermentable, oligo-, di-, mono-saccharides and polyols which are carbohydrates that can have an important role in our diet but for people who have IBS, learning their trigger foods and learning to balance them in their daily routine can reduce uncomfortable, and often improves people’s quality of life by reducing symptoms of bloating, gas, diarrhea, and constipation. Establishing a low fodmap diet involves three phases:



First step is identifying and eliminating the foods that contain fodmaps by eating a low fodmap elimination diet for 2-6 weeks. This diet is temporary and contains low fodmap foods.



(systematically reintroducing high-fodmap foods to see which ones are your triggers)



(finding the right balance in your diet)

As a trained fodmap dietitian and nutritionist, I provide nutrition services to help you feel your best. I will walk you through the process step-by-step and discuss the role of diet in inflammation and how our gut health, immune system, and brain health are all connected!

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