How to make Pulses
Today, we are going to talk about how to make pulses.
Last week, I shared the benefits of eating beans, peas, lentils, or pulses 5 Great Reasons to Eat Your Pulses. Now, I want to share some plant-based, vegetarian recipe ideas for using them that I hope will leave you wanting to make them all!
I have always been into Mediterranean-inspired bean burgers and have made a few in my day, but I think that the flavors of this one are just right. I hope that you like it also. My friend Terri Laddusaw shared a lentil taco on Facebook a few weeks ago that became an inspiration for my spring lentil taco. I love bean tacos, and lentil tacos are definitely a new way to get my “weekly pulses.”
My greatest challenge has been finding a new idea using split peas beyond the old split pea soup! I found a lot of great recipes out there for inspiration to make something brand new, but I need to do a little experimentation before I unveil it! And this time of year, I am thinking spring and green! So, I decided to share a fresh garden pea recipe and show how they can be added as a great source of protein in risotto! Green peas are almost a pulse but also a starchy vegetable!
I hope that you enjoy this pulse recipe collection! Since beans, peas, and lentils make up a big part of my diet, I hope to share inspiration from our kitchen throughout the seasons!
Recipes for making pulses

This burger is full of flavor and healthy ingredients.
Mediterranean Burger
Makes four burgers
The white beans in this recipe, with the help of sun-dried tomatoes, olives, and walnuts, are a delicious way to get your daily dose of pulses! Cannellini is one of the beans that is high in oligios, so if you have IBS and are sensitive to these beans, you might want to experiment with lentils or garbanzos.
1-16 ounce can cannellini beans, drained and rinsed
1/2 cup onion, chopped (substitute green onions or scallions for low fodmap)
One clove garlic or make garlic oil recipe without the fodmaps
1/3 cup chopped walnuts
1/4 cup olives chopped or thinly sliced thin
1/3 cup thinly sliced hydrated sun-dried tomatoes
1/2 cup whole grain bread crumbs (use gluten-free if desired)
Olive oil
Pesto to top the burgers The Power of Pesto
Saute onions in a medium skillet until soft and brown. Add the walnuts and let them slightly brown. Add the onions/scallions, garlic/garlic oil, and walnuts in a large bowl. Add beans and mash until it is in a paste. Add olives, tomatoes, egg, and bread crumbs. Get consistency to be able to make patties. Make the six patties. You can heat olive oil in the skillet and brown on both sides. Take out of the skillet and drain on paper towels. You can also bake in the oven at 425 degrees for about 15 minutes on a cookie sheet covered with parchment paper. Serve with a side of asparagus.
Spring Lentil Tacos
Makes six tacos
Top these tacos with fresh spring radish salsa, spinach, cabbage, and feta. Instead of the cheese, you could also top it with toasted walnuts. My radishes were not ready to make my fresh radish salsa, so I used some of our canned salsa from last summer!
1 cup lentils
2 1/2 cups vegetable broth Here is a low fodmap brand.
1/2 cup onion (or use greens of the scallions if you are sensitive to oligios)
Olive oil
Two tablespoons of chili powder Many chili powders may have garlic or onion, here is one without either.
Two teaspoons of freshly ground cumin
Salt and pepper to taste
12 soft corn tortillas
Spring toppings for tacos include goat cheese, thinly sliced spinach, cabbage, carrots, and cilantro. Shredded beets and radish salsa would also be great. Try my fresh radish salsa.
In a medium saucepan, cook lentils in vegetable broth until just soft. In a skillet, saute onion in a few teaspoons of olive oil until soft and starting to brown. Add chili powder and cumin. Toss in lentils and let them lightly brown and get crunchy. Add salt and pepper to taste.
Microwave corn tortillas for a few seconds. Add two corn tortillas to a plate and add toppings. Use a toothpick to close if desired. Seriously, these are so tasty. I hope that you enjoy them!
Spring Pea Risotto with Spinach
Makes six servings
Spring peas are a good source of protein, and when paired with a grain, some cheese, or nuts, they have almost as much protein as a piece of meat! Try lentils or garbanzos in this recipe if you have IBS and are sensitive to green peas.
1/2 cup onion (or scallions if sensitive to oligios)
Olive oil
Three cups vegetable broth If you are sensitive to onions and garlic, here is a low fodmap broth.
12-ounce arborio rice
One tablespoon tub of margarine or butter
1 cup peas (or use 1/2 cup lentils or garbanzo if sensitive to oligios)
1 cup spinach
Parmesan cheese, walnuts, or pesto to top it with your risotto!
In a large saucepan with a tight fighting lid, sauté onions in a small amount of olive oil until the onions or scallions are almost brown. Bring 3 cups broth and bring to a boil. Add one tablespoon of tub margarine or butter. Add 12 ounces of rice and simmer for 18-22 minutes. Add peas and spinach at the end of the cooking tip. Fluff with a fork.
Learn How to Make Pulses
I hope that you are feeling more confident about making pulses. Menu planning can be a challenge! My husband and I have been making a weekly menu for most weeks of our marriage since college. Having a guideline helps us buy what we need, save money, and stick to a healthy eating plan. If you would like a little help getting started, I can help!
As a registered dietitian nutritionist in Asheville, I help clients create plans that work for them, and I always have tasty menu ideas to try! I also have a lot of great recipes in my book Farm Fresh Nutrition.