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A Fresh Approach to Eating

Have you ever thought about apples being used to make something savory?

When we think about apple season, we often envision apple cobbler, apple bread, apple crisp, apple muffins, apple scones and apple pie. I indeed love all of this but can only eat so many sweet things so that inspired me to share the ways to use apples in a savory dish. Check out some of the delicious ways to use apples in a savory way that include salads, salsas, sausage apple cabbage sauté from one of my previous blog posts:

This week, I have two fresh and new recipes ideas to share with you using apples that I created in my kitchen. I hope that you love giving them a try!

Here is a Savory Fall Menu Idea

Apple Cider Glazed Tempeh with Apple Cherry Chutney (you could also used grilled pork chops, chicken or No Evil Foods plant meat)

Quinoa with Roasted Butternut Squash

Sauteed Greens Topped with Pecans

Savory Apple Recipes

Cider Glazed Tempeh Topped with Apple Chutney
Apples are as delicious savory as they are sweet!

Apple Cherry Chutney

This savory chutney goes great over tempeh  and I love to use Smiling Hara Tempeh but also would go great on hempeh pork, chicken, beef or No Evil Foods! A little sweet, tart and savory condiment to add life to meals!

Makes about 2 cups of chutney. Serving size is 2 tablespoons.

2 cored, chopped apples (I did not peel them)

2 tablespoon onions

1/2 cup tart cherries

1 teaspoon tub margarine

1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger

2 tablespoon apple cider vinegar

A little bit of water if needed

In a medium saucepan, saute onions in margarine until they start to soften and add the apples. Continue to cook until apples begin to turn translucent. Add ginger, vinegar and tart cherries. Add a little water if needed

Apple Cider Glazed Tempeh

The chutney recipe above goes great with a protein using this savory glaze. I used Smiling Hara Tempeh but feel free to glaze hempeh, pork, chicken or No Evil Foods Plant Meat.

2 tablespoon apple cider

2 tablespoon tamari

1 tablespoon brown sugar or maple syrup

In a skillet, add apple cider, tamari and brown sugar/maple syrup and begin heating on medium low heat and add protein of your choice. As the sauce begins bubbling, turn the protein over to coat the other side. Depending on what protein that you have and how hot the glaze gets, I may flip the protein over several times to coat it well. Take the protein out and carefully place on the plate and top with some Apple Cherry Chutney.

Make some savory apple recipes

I hope that you get a chance to visit the farmers’ market and make these savory apple recipes this fall. The entire menu translates into warm, cozy comfort food and make a great meal when the nights are longer! It definitely gives you something to look forward to when the day is over! As an Asheville registered dietitian nutritionist, I love helping clients and readers of the Vine Ripe Nutrition Blog fresh ideas to try and increase variety in meals.

I love to share my experience with local food and enjoy using seasonal ingredients when I can.  If you have been reading my posts, thank you so much and if you are new to the blog, welcome and I hope that you come back often! I try to share lots of new ideas that I hope that you will love. If you have some savory apple menu ideas that you love, I will enjoy you sharing them with me! You can find out some ways that we can work together here.

If you are looking for more fall recipes, you might enjoy checking out these how to fix winter squash (

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