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A Fresh Approach to Eating

Southwestern Potato Salad and Eggplant Potato Curry

Southwestern Potato Salad and Eggplant: Potato Curry are two of our favorite recipes.

I really dig potatoes—literally, with a shovel in the dirt! I love the sweetness of a freshly dug potato and the different varieties that I can grow. We try to see which grows the best in our soil and add organic amendments to it to make it richer from our compost.

Potatoes often get a bad rap. They are criticized for being too high in carbohydrates and high in the glycemic index. Our body needs complex carbohydrates for energy, and when they are eaten with other things like healthy fats and proteins at the same time along with some other vegetables, the spike in blood sugar is not the same as if they are eaten in isolation.

Portion size is important too and many times it’s what is added to the potatoes like butter, sour cream, heavy cream and that they are deep fried in oil. Potatoes are also a great low fodmap food and rich in potassium and B vitamins needed for our health.

I hope that you enjoy these potato recipes inspired by my garden. Now that it is getting to fall and starting to frost, I am gathering everything up from the garden. These recipes are inspired by a late summer/early fall garden.

Recipes for Southwestern Potato Salad and Eggplant and Potato Curry

Grilled Roti with Eggplant and Potatoes

Roti is a flatbread sandwich that becomes a wrap. This one uses the end-of-summer eggplant and freshly dug potatoes from our garden! The turmeric and cumin are great antioxidants in addition to flavor.

4 roti wraps.

1 medium eggplant chopped into bite-size pieces

2 cups small baby red potatoes, cut into bite-sized pieces

1/2 medium onion, chopped (leave out if this is one of your fodmap triggers)

1 teaspoon freshly ground cumin

4 flatbread or can even use tortilla (use gluten-free/low fodmap if needed)

1 teaspoon turmeric

Salt and pepper to taste

Olive oil

After the eggplant, potatoes and onion have been cut into small pieces. Leave them separately on cutting boards. Toss with olive oil, salt, pepper, cumin, and turmeric and place them all separately on two cookie sheets. Heat oven to 425 degrees and allow the vegetables to roast until each of them begins to get soft. Each one may differ in the time that it cooks. After the vegetables are cooked and cooled, place them in a large bowl to get ready to serve. To make, take a tortilla and add eggplant filling. Top with cilantro sauce.

Green Sauce for the Sandwich

Cilantro, 1/2 cup chopped

1/2 lime freshly squeezed

1/2 hot pepper, chopped with seeds and ribs removed

Salt and pepper to taste

To make the sauce, add the cilantro, lime juice and hot pepper. Blend well. Use yogurt in your sauce or have it all by itself

Southwestern Potato Salad
Baby potato and other summer goodies make this salad!

Southwestern Potato Salad

This recipe uses the best of the season to do its magic. The fresh corn, newly dug tomatoes, fresh-picked peppers, and little additions bring excitement to the taste buds! We grilled our potatoes on the barbeque grill, but you can also steam, boil, or roast them!

It makes 8 servings of about 3/4 cup each.

4 cups baby potatoes, freshly dug

1 ear of corn, that has been taken off the kernel or you can use 1 cup of frozen corn

1/2 cup red bell pepper, finely chopped

2 green onions, chopped


Juice from one lime

1/3 cup olive oil

1 teaspoon freshly ground cumin

Salt and pepper to taste

Sliced black olives to garnish

Slice baby potatoes in halves or quarters and toss them with salt, pepper, and olive oil. Chop other ingredients for the potato salad. Make the dressing in a small bowl with lime juice, olive oil, cumin, chili powder, salt, and pepper. Prepare your barbecue grill.

Grill the potatoes until lightly browned and soft. Add the potatoes to a large mixing bowl, add all the other ingredients except the olives, and lightly toss with the dressing. Place in a serving bowl and top with a few sliced olives, if desired. You can also have your guests top their salads with salsa, avocados, a sprinkle of cheese, and a small dollop of Greek yogurt!

Make Some Southwestern Potato Salad and Eggplant and Potato Curry

I hope that you get a chance to make some Southwestern Potato Salad and Eggplant and Potato Curry. My garden will now be done with these lovely veggies, but I look forward to when they are in season again. We should have grown more potatoes, but we can always get some at one of the farmers’ markets when we run out.

As an Asheville nutritionist, I love helping clients, family, and friends find delicious ways to eat healthy food. I am so glad you came by to check out this post, and I hope you will check out more recipes and menu ideas. You can find out a little more about me here.

If you are trying to eat more in season, you may also enjoy these winter squash recipes!

Potatoes have a savory flavor especially when roasted
Fresh potatoes at the farmer’s market.
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